cystiSim 0.1.2
- set 'stringsAsFactors=FALSE' in data.frames
cystiSim 0.1.1
- fix bug in 'update' method (no slaughter == no births)
cystiSim 0.1.0 (2016-05-15)
cystiSim 0.0.6
- rename intervention functions
- update help files
- add argument 'annotate' to 'plot.cystiSim'
cystiSim 0.0.5
- add 'elim' method for 'cystiSim' objects
- fix bug in 'exp_decay'
cystiSim 0.0.4
- fix bug in definition of 'slaughter.args'
- fix subsetting bug in 'do_oxf_vac'
cystiSim 0.0.3
- various CRAN error/warning/note fixes
- change default 'min.age' in 'do_oxf' to 1
- introduce 'do_oxf_vac' function
cystiSim 0.0.2
- introduce 'magrittr' style model definitions
- introduce functionalities and methods for multiple 'cystiSim' simulations
- introduce functionalities for fitting models to data
- update model to make 'slaughter' function generic
cystiSim 0.0.1